About Us

Northside Systems was founded on the belief that software development can and should be better. It is not enough to just "check the box," but your project should be built for the long term. Maintaining, evolving, and improving your existing code is just as important as developing something new from a green field. We can do both.

To achieve consistent software delivery — both on time, and with a high degree of quality — we follow several core principles.


Agile software development is not just a buzzword, it's a proven effective approach to delivering the right software quickly. It has become the standard, and everyone claims to do it, but it can mean different things to different people. We have refined our process over years of experience, using the parts that work, and discarding the parts that don't.

By focusing on quickly delivering iterations of working software, we work with you to guide the final product as we go. In the end, we may arrive at a result that we hadn't imagined at the beginning — and that's ok!


Measure twice, cut once. We believe that applies to software just as much as it does to carpentry. Equally as important as getting something to work is understanding why it works.


In our experience, software usually sticks around far longer than anyone ever expects. Even "throwaway" projects often tend to become indispensable over time. Therefore, we consider the long term maintainability of the software we build to be of utmost importance. We do not just build software for you today — we build it for your team tomorrow, next year, and next decade.


One of the keys to writing software that can adapt to your future needs is testing. It must be a first-class part of the development process. We do not consider a piece of code finished until it has a set of automated tests verifying it works as intended.

In addition to simply verifying that things work, having a strong suite of tests — developed as we go — allows us to have confidence that changes in the future will not interfere with what's already there. We can move fast and not break things.

Designed for Humans

Software, ultimately, is for people. It is important to adopt a user-centric approach to building software. We believe that everything we build, back to front, must consider the user.

We have experience with a range of technologies, across the full stack

Want to know more? See how we can work together

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